
Races / Fantasy / Elf

Typical Attributes

Bod 4, Chi 5, Mnd 5, Ref 6


  1. Camouflage
  2. Climb
  3. ElfinSenses
  4. LongLife


Elves are shorter and slighter than men, usually about 150 cm tall. They resemble human adolescents, and facial or body hair is quite unusual. Head hair is fine, and often plentiful. All elves are considered good-looking, but seem fragile and otherworldly by human standards. Some elves have strange physical features, such as extremely long hair, horns, vestigial fur, fangs, webbed hands and feet, claws or unusual colors. Such peculiarities are often associated with particular bloodlines or clans.

Elves once belonged to various tribes and nations, but have now been assimilated to the point where most identify with the land they live in. There is still a sense of community among elves, however, and a traveling elf can usually find a warm bed and hot meal, maybe even help to get a job, from fellow elves. Outside of Zakhara, elves are still divided and clannish, often with distinguishing tribal physical characteristics as well.

Elves are quite leisurely, and don't really enjoy hard work or physical labor. They cherish arts and fine crafts, but tend to regard them as diversions. A typical elf knows a little of many professions, being a master of none and changing profession as whims or markets dictate. Most have at least some experience as traders, artists, entertainers or performers. Sometimes, an elf becomes obsessed with a particular occupation or task, seeking absolute excellence in it to the exclusion of all else, but this is seen as quite unhealthy by other elves.

Elves are physically similar to humans, can live in the same houses, enjoy the same food and the same diversions. They rarely have their own section of the city, and usually move about quite a bit over the course of their lives. Most do not seek to identify to closely with any group or location. They are usually welcome in human lands, but not quite as trusted as a well-known human, dwarf or even ork. It is said that an elf becomes your friend in the evening and forgets you when the morning comes. Their word lacks worth, for it is known they lie readily in order to bargain, amuse and pique. They are rarely malicious liars, however, and those fooled are often simply told by the Qadi to be less gullible in the future.

Elves are found all over the world, though outside Zakhara they live in their own isolationistic clans. There is a high concentration of elves in Alphatia far to the west, and the elves controlled the Alphatian empire in it's heyday, something their former subjects still resent them for. The Drow

Iswadaan: Twilight-people or Djubnaan Al-Iswada; Elves of Twilight

One special clan of elves are the drow, the dark elves who live in caves deep below the surface and in the netherworld. Their skin is black, their hair is white and they are fierce priestesses and warriors, often worshipping gods that regular elves consider evil. Most drow master the sorcery of Illusion, using it to see in the dark, sneak and to confuse their opponents.