
Races / Fantasy / Drow

Attributes: Bod 4, Chi 5, Mnd 5, Ref 6


  1. Camouflage
  2. Elfin Senses
  3. Long Life
  4. Webwalker

Drow resemble black elves, and are generally considered to be a breed of elf that has developed too far from the norm. They are even more spindly than elves, and their skin is dark - ranging from grey tinted blue or violet to shining black. Their hair is white, possibly with traces of color, and as fine and plentiful as that of elves.

Drow are religious, matriarchal and worship the spider goddess and various demons. They are as leisurely as other elves, but their society is less calm and they live their lives more passionately and at a higher pace.

Drow are reputed to be resistant to magic, but this is not a racial trait. Because sorcery is so common in their lands, many drow learn the Path of the Sheltering Storm.