
Races / Fantasy / Bugbear

Attributes: Body: 7, Chi: 3, Mind: 5, Ref: 6


The Bugbear is the largest and fiercest of goblin-kin, but also the least energetic. They like to bully lesser creatures into fulfilling all their needs. When this is not possible, they become like wild beasts, hunting as hunger drives them to. They care very little for the niceties of civilization, but are quick to establish their own pecking order when it suits them, usually with themselves at the top.

Bugbears are very large and very muscular, standing 7 feet tall. Their hides vary in color from light yellow to yellow-brown, with thick, coarse hair of brown to brick red. Their eyes resemble those of a savage animal, being greenish-white with red pupils, and they have wedge-shaped ears. A bugbear's mouth if full of long, sharp fangs and its nose is like that of a bear, with the same fine sense of smell. This feature earned them their name, though they are not related to bears. Their tough hides and sharp claws also resemble those of bears, but they are far more dexterous. The second part of their name comes from the numerous bugs and fleas that most bugbears never bother to get rid of, and which are attracted to the filthy but very rich clothes bugbears favor.

Bugbears like to pick impressive names for themsleves, names that sound more like titles. But amongst themselves, the strong name the weak, who must often settle for derogatory nicknames.