
Races / Animals / Snail

Slow moving and deliberate, snails are the great theoretical scholars and hairsplitters. They love a good argument in their own slow way. Any question asked of them gets a long, theological answer.

Typical Snail

A snail is a vicious giant in the world of insects. When playing insectrs and other very small creatures, it is suggested that the entire world be adjuted to their scale, so that most insects are about as physically capable as a human. When comparing insects to humans on the same scale, assume Body =0.

Bod 14, Chi 10, Mnd 9, Ref 5

Typical Transformed Snail

Bod 5, Chi 8, Mnd 7, Ref 3


  1. Armor
  2. Empathy
  3. Reflect
  4. Silence