
Races / Animals / Ass

This animal prides itself on being the most knowledgeable in the ways of men. It often speaks in riddles and is seldom direct. Normally docile, both animals and men can be taken aback when the ferocity of the ass awakens.

The ass is seen as a servile servant by other animals, an untrustworthy character who sides too much with man. Both sides are wrong; the ass just has the willpower to resist jibes and taunts and yet the reasonable nature to cooperate when it benefits everyone - jet lacks the eloquence to explain this to others.

Typical Ass

Bod 10, Chi 7, Mnd 9 (Charisma 5), Ref 7

Attack +1/11

Typical Transformed Ass

Bod 8, Chi 5, Mnd 7 (Charisma 3), Ref 5


  1. Might
  2. Rear
  3. Revenge
  4. Surprise