
Pulp / Limitations / Introduction

These limitations can be appropriate dramatic hooks for heroes in pulp campaigns. As an optional rule, a Pulp Limitation might allow a free pulp schtick.

To work as a limitation, a disadvantage must fill certain criteria. First, it should be managed and played out by the player, not the Game Master. It might be a disadvantage to be hunted, but that is a disadvantage the GM must run and incorporate into his scenarios, and thus not a limitation. The only exceptions are limitations in the line of victim, that gives the Game Master carte banche to do things to your character that are not usually done. Second, it must add something to the game. All psychological limitations must make the Game Masters job easier, and make the character more fun to have in the game and more easily motivated to adventure. A physical limitation should be comical and hindering, but not an excuse to shrink from an adventure.

Naturally, player characters can have the negative traits I mention here, but they can't be Pulp Limitations.