
Items / Melee / Smallsword

A light fencing sword known variously as an Epee, Foil, or Stickert, this item is often considered a fashionable accessory rather than a weapon. The blade is very thin and just a little shorter than your arm.


An attack to impale an opponent on the point of your weapon. This attack receives a +3 bonus to damage, but if you are successful in inflicting any damage, the weapon is lodged in your enemy and cannot be used until you sped a single shot withdrawing it or until your opponent moves away, dislodging himself. You can dislodge the weapon as a three-shot action if you wish to move at the same time.

You cannot impale when you Throw a weapon.


When you do an ActiveDefense with this weapon, you get a +5 to your Dodge instead of the usual +3. This bonus only applies against Melee attacks, not against ranged combat of any kind.


You can make lightning-quick ripostes. Against anyone who misses you with a melee attack you can spend a single shot to gain an immediate counterattack. If he makes several simultaneous attacks (c.f. Butt Stroke or Lock), all must miss if you are to do this.

You cannot counterattack against a counterattack.