
Items / Melee / Saber

A cross between a Longsword and a Scimitar, the sabre comes to a curving point and is used for slashes and cuts, not thrusts. Like the Scimitar, it is a cavalryman's sword, intended not to snag. Like the Longsword, it is light and agile enough to fence with.


The weapon is suited for an impetuous charge. It is possible to do a running move and still attack, as long as the move is in a reasonably straight line.


You can make lightning-quick ripostes. Against anyone who misses you with a melee attack you can spend a single shot to gain an immediate counterattack. If he makes several simultaneous attacks (c.f. Butt Stroke or Lock), all must miss if you are to do this.

You cannot counterattack against a counterattack.


You can make great sweeping attacks, cutting down anyone in your path.

When calculating the effect of a Sweep attack, make but a single roll against the highest Dodge among your targets. For every two points of Outcome, you hit an additional enemy, but all hits get an attack Outcome of zero.

Naturally, you must move up to each target in order to attack.