
Items / Melee / Light Shield

A buckle worn on the back of the left hand - on command it extends an oblong force field large enough for the wielder to take cover behind. Unlike other light weapons, this one is designed to be non-lethal, so that users can form a shield wall with no fear of cutting one another up. Unlike other shields, this one can't be easily sundered.

This weapon is the product of a mature hyperspace culture that nevertheless still deals in melee weapons, and as such is rather unusual. In most campaigns, this would cost an Items schtick.


When you do an active defense with this weapon, you get a +5 to your Dodge instead of the usual +3. This applies against all types of attacks.

It is possible for the attacker to break the blocking object.

Non Lethal

This weapon is not ment to kill. Anyone who fails a DeathTest because of damage from this weapon is merely knocked out one minute per point of failure.