
Items / Melee / Large Shield

You form a wall of the toughest, lightest material you can find and wear this as a protective shield in battle. Not only can you hide behind it, it is also good as a battering ram.

Primitive shields are made of reeds, wicker or straw. Somewhat more advanced shields are made of uncured leather, possiby reinforced with metal. Modern shields are made of carbon fibres and are ofthen transparent.


Included from Block

When you do an active defense with this weapon, you get a +5 to your Dodge instead of the usual +3. This applies against all types of attacks.

It is possible for the attacker to break the blocking object.


Included from Charge

The weapon is suited for an impetuous charge. It is possible to do a running move and still attack, as long as the move is in a reasonably straight line.


Included from Improvised

This weapon does not need to be made as a dedicated weapon - it can be found or scrounged from civilian gear. Such scrounged versions are less durable than the real thing, and break on any snakeyes roll. In addition, any Disarm Stunts get a +3 modifier against such a weapon.

Of course, a purposedly crafted version of the weapon does not have these drawbacks.

Non Lethal

Included from NonLethal

This weapon is not ment to kill. Anyone who fails a DeathTest because of damage from this weapon is merely knocked out one minute per point of failure.