
Items / Melee / Katana

Worn together with the Wakisashi by Japanese samurai as a sign of their rank, the katana was the prefered dueling weapon and faschion accessory in feudal japan - but not the samurai's main weapon of war. The excellense of this weapon is not only a matter of its fine qiality, but also of the extreme effort that went into kenjustu fighting techniques.


The weapon is suited for an impetuous charge. It is possible to do a running move and still attack, as long as the move is in a reasonably straight line.


The weapon takes no shots to draw, and you can use it to counterattack, defend and such even when it is sheathed, provided you are not surprised.

Great Blow

A Great Blow is a powerful all-out attack. It always requires two hands, even with a weapon that is normally used one-handed. It receives a +3 bonus to your damage, but you cannot do anything, such as an ActiveDefense, until your next shot comes up.

Great Blow does not combine with Bash.