
Items / Melee / Executioners Kiss

The executioners appears somewhat like a punch dagger, but really is a syringe for injecting a small but lethal dose of sulphuric acid. It is not really designed to be used in combat, but rather to kill helpless creatures when they are down, especially regenerating creatures.

The kiss often mounted on the back of a glove. The glove arrangement frees up the hand for other use. A handheld version of the weapon is available at the same cost, but requires the full use of a hand. The merit of the handheld weapon is that it can be concealed.


The weapon has a very narrow striking point, or is otherwise very good at penetrating armor. Add +3 points of damage against targets with four or more points of armor, and against objects.

If you use another technique or maneuver that ignores armor or that does extra damage against objects, such as Bash, this bonus is lost.

Elemental (acid)

Included from Elemental

The weapon has some sort of elemental aspect that increases damage. Anyone damaged by an elemental weapon may take additional damage at the end of the shot. Unless the target has some extra resistance to the damage type (such as fire or acid resistance for those attacks), he takes 3 additional wound points.

Someone immune to melee weapon damage ignores any Wound Points from the weapon itself, but if the attack overcame Toughness/Armor and would have inflicted damage except for the resistance, the target still take the three extra elemental wound points.

A target immune both to the elemental damage and the regular damage takes no damage at all.


Lock is only applicable to off-hand weapons weilded together with some other weapon - which can be an indentical copy of itself. Use your main weapon to lock your opponents blade, opening him up for an off-hand attack. You can now use the Lock weapon to attack your opponent after his weapon has been caught in a clash of steel.

When you miss an attack against an opponent with your main weapon, you may immediately expend an additional shot and make a normal attack with this weapon.