
Items / Melee

Melee weapons sorted first by era and then by name.

This table is still a work in progress; some of the weapons have too many manuvers, making them over-complex.

Ancient Weapons

Ancient Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Battle Ax 1 Trenchcoat +4 Charge, GreatBlow
Bola 1 Jacket +0 Entangle, OnlyThrow
Boomerang 1 Trenchcoat +3 Deceptive, OnlyThrow, Return
Cestus 1 Jacket +3 Stun
Chain 1 Trenchcoat +3 Entangle, GreatBlow, Improvised, Reach
Club 1 Jacket +3 Charge, Improvised, NonLethal, Parry, Throw
Dagger 1 Jacket +2 Clinch, Impale, Throw
Dart 1 Jacket +3 OnlyThrow
Flail 1 Trenchcoat +4 Deceptive, GreatBlow
Garrote 2 Negligible +2 Clinch, Improvised, Precision, Stun
Gauntlet 1 Jacket +2 NonLethal, Stun
Grappling Hook 1 Jacket +2 Improvised, Reach, Entangle, Throw, GreatBlow
Great Ax 2 Unconcealable +5 GreatBlow, Throw
Great Spear 2 Unconcealable +3 Charge, Impale, Reach, Receive
Hand Ax 1 Jacket +3 Charge, Lock, Throw
Harpoon 1 Unconcealable +4 Throw
Javelin 1 Unconcealable +3 Charge, Impale, Throw
Large Shield offhand Unconcealable +1 Block, Charge, Improvised, NonLethal
Lariat 1 Jacket +0 Disarm, Entangle, Improvised, MountedCharge, NonLethal, OnlyThrow, Return
Mace 1 Trenchcoat +3 Bash, Beak, GreatBlow
Maul 2 Unconcealable +4 Bash, Beak, GreatBlow
Net 1 Trenchcoat +0 Deceptive, Entangle, Throw
Nunchaka 1 Jacket +3 Precision, GreatBlow
Quarterstaff 2 Unconcealable +2 SecondStrike (butt), GreatBlow, Improvised, NonLethal, Parry, Stun
Rock 1 Pocket +2 Improvised, Throw, GreatBlow
Sap 1 Negligible +2 Improvised, NonLethal, Stun
Small Shield offhand Trenchcoat +2 Improvised, NonLethal, Parry, Stun
Spear 1 Unconcealable +3 SecondStrike (butt), Charge, GreatBlow, Impale, Improvised
Tiger Claws 1 Pocket +2 Clinch
Torch 1 Jacket +1 Improvised, Elemental (fire), Parry, Throw
Weighted String 1 Pocket +1 Disarm, Entangle, Improvised, Reach
Whip 1 Jacket +2 Disarm, Reach, Stun, Entangle
Modifications: Modifications cost an Items schtick each
GadgetWeapon - - - One extra maneuver
MasterworkWeapon - - Add +1

Blacksmith Weapons

Blacksmith Weapons
Blacksmith Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Broadsword 1 Trenchcoat +4 Charge, GreatBlow, Impale
Dirk 1 Jacket +2 Beak, Clinch, Impale, Lock
Great Sword 2 Unconcealable +5 GreatBlow, Sweep
Lajatang 2 Unconcealable +4 SecondStrike
Lance 1 Unconcealable +4 Impale, MountedCharge
Mongwanga 1 Trenchcoat +4 GreatBlow, OnlyThrow
Pike 2 Unconcealable +3 Reach (even vs other Reach), Receive
Punch Dagger 1 Jacket +4 Beak, Lock
Scimitar 1 Trenchcoat +4 Charge, GreatBlow, Sweep
Sha-Ken 1 Pocket +2 Deceptive, OnlyThrow
Shakram 1 Trenchcoat +3 Disarm, OnlyThrow, Return
Short Sword 1 Jacket +3 Charge, Clinch, Impale, Lock
Shuriken 1 Negligible +2 OnlyThrow
Trident 1 Unconcealable +3 Disarm, GreatBlow, Parry

Clockwork Weapons

Clockwork Weapons
Clockwork Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Halberd 2 Unconcealable +4 SecondStrike (butt), Disarm, GreatBlow, Parry
Katana 1 Trenchcoat +4 Charge, Draw, GreatBlow
Longsword 1 Trenchcoat +4 Charge, Impale, Riposte
Man Catcher 2 Unconcealable +1 Entangle, Reach
Naginata 2 Unconcealable +4 SecondStrike (butt), GreatBlow, Reach, Sweep
No Dachi 2 Unconcealable +5 Charge, GreatBlow, Sweep
Saber 1 Trenchcoat +4 Charge, Riposte, Sweep
Smallsword 1 Jacket +3 Impale, Parry, Riposte
Swordbreaker offhand Jacket +3 Disarm, Lock
Wakisashi 1 Jacket +3 Charge, Clinch, Draw
Zweihander 2 Unconcealable +5 Disarm, GreatBlow, Parry

Steam Weapons

Steam Weapons
Steam Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
ExecutionerÂ’s Kiss 1 Jacket +4 Beak, Elemental (acid), Lock
Molotov Cocktail 1 Jacket +2 Beak, Elemental (fire), Improvised, OnlyThrow
Welding Torch 1 Trenchcoat +3 Elemental (fire), Improvised

Combustion Weapons

Combustion Weapons
Combustion Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Cattle Prod 1 Jacket +2 Elemental (electricity), Improvised, Stun
Chain Saw 2 Unconcealable +7 GreatBlow

Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear Weapons
Neuclear Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Hand Taser 1 Pocket +0 Elemental (electricity), NonLethal, Stun
Modifications: Modifications cost an Items schtick each
Chain Blade - - - Precision
Electro Weapon - - - Stun

Fusion Weapons

Fusion Weapons
Fusion Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Karatand 1 Pocket +3 Disarm, Parry
Afflox 1 Coat +4 Bash, Deceptive, Entangle, GreatBlow, Reach
Charge Mace 1 Jacket +7 Charge, GreatBlow Parry
Multi Rod As a Club or Quarterstaff
Multi Sword As a Short Sword, Longsword, or Great Sword
Power Fist 1 N/A +6 Bash, Beak, Clinch, Entangle, Precision
Storm Hammer 1 Coat +8 Charge, Beak, GreatBlow
Modifications: Modifications cost an Items schtick each
Keen Edge - - - Add Precision
Vibro Blade - - - Add Elemental (Sonic)

Hyperspace Weapons

Hyperspace Weapons
These are exceptional enough to cost an Items schtick.
Hyperspace Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Light Sabre 1 Pocket +6 Bash, Beak, Charge, Disarm, Draw, GreatBlow, Parry
Light Shield offhand Pocket +4 Block, NonLethal
Light Staff 2 Jacket +8 Bash, Beak, SecondStrike, Disarm, Draw, Parry
Light Sword 1 Pocket +6 Bash, Beak, Disarm, Draw, Lock, Parry, Riposte
Stasis Sword 1 Pocket +6 Disarm, Parry
Modifications: Modifications cost an Items schtick each
Power Weapon - - Add +3 Add Bash, Beak

Magical Weapons

Magical Weapons
Modifications: Modifications cost an Items schtick each
Magical Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Boost - - +1 -
Enchanted - - - Add one maneuver
Force Weapon - - - Bonus dice for Magic point
Shrinking - Negligible - -