
Items / Guns / Blasters

Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic; blasters are a case in point. The blaster uses hyperspace technology to create energy fields and use them as weapons. These fields can be of type entirely alien to earlier science. Still, even for a Hyperspace society, this technology is advanced and might not be available, or at least not in all versions. Consult with your gamemaster on this.

Blasters are bought as Blast schticks; the entry here is merely to show that they are available. They all use Foci that are obligatory (and thus free), and are used with the Guns skill. All blasters have an inherent Magic attribute of 10 to determine damage. As guns go, they are quite unusual; all have the same range, and the larger guns do little extra damage for their size, but you can add a lot of utilities using Metablast.