
Items / Gadgets / Oils And Lotions

Magical oils, lotions and scents are common in the Land of Fate. Perfumes are fashionable among both men and women, and attract no particular attention. They last longer than elixirs, but are more cumbersome to use.

Magical oils are poured over the body and smeared appropriately. It thus takes one 3-shot action to find and unstop the bottle, and another to smear the oil. If extensive equipment is also to be covered, this takes one or more additional actions. The oil takes effect at the beginning of the sequence after it is completely applied.

One dose is magically sufficient to anoint one person and such gear as he typically carries (two or three weapons, garments, armor, and miscellaneous gear). Magical oils cannot be shared.

Magical oils will stay in effect for about twenty four hours, but they can be washed of with alcohol in about a minute. Rubbing them of with wine, sand or water can take hours. The GM can reduce the duration of magical oil if the character bathes, is in a dust storm, sweats a lot or otherwise wears on the potion.

Balm of Rest

A character coated in this milky lotion will feel sleepy, and fall asleep if he tries to. He will then sleep. When he awakens, after a number of hours equal to his Magic attribute, he will have recovered all Wounds, Magic points and Fortune points, as if it was a new game session.

Nightsight Lotion

When rubbed into the eyes, this lotion causes the eyes to glow red, but the user gains perfect darkvision, being able to see even in magical darkness for the duration.

This lotion can be shared among many, as long as the last person to benefit from it has a higher Magic attribute than the number of people who have gone before.

Oil of Acid Invulnerability

When this oil is applied to skin, cloth, or any other material, it confers virtual invulnerability against acid. The protection gives armor points against acid only equal to his Magic attribute. Later doses applied after the first halves the effect of earlier dose(s): a second dose applied immediately gives a total protection of Magic *1,5, three doses gives a protection of Magic *1,75 etc. Each hour, one point of the protective value wears off.

Oil of Attractiveness

The user may coat his or her face with this slick unguent, gaining a bonus equal to his Magic attribute on Charisma and Seduction against the opposite sex. If the oil is not removed before it wears of, the oil acts as oil of horridness (q.v.) for the next 24 hours.

Oil of Disenchantment

This oil can be smeared over an item or person to suppress any magic on him or it and hide its magical nature. An item must be no larger than the size of a man. This oil enables the removal of all enchantments and charms, and the suppression of magical objects, negating them for the duration.

Certain very powerful objects might be able to resist, or at least shorten the oil's duration.

Oil of Elemental Invulnerability

This precious substance gives near-total invulnerability to one type of normal elemental force plane: wind storms, fires, earth slides, floods, and so forth. Each such flask will also be effective on the appropriate Elemental plane this allows the protected individual to operate freely and without danger from elemental forces. Attacks by elemental creatures and magics are still effective, but damage from elemental attacks are reduced by Magic. The element protected against is determined randomly.

Oil of Etherealness

This is thin oil that is applied externally to clothes and exposed flesh, turning that person ethereal. It can be applied to objects as well as creatures. In the ethereal state, the individual can pass through solid objects in any direction sideways, upward, downward or to different planes. The individual cannot touch material objects, and his perception of the material world is hazy. Ethereal individuals are dimly visible as a hazy outline.

In ethereal form, the character is immune to most mundane dangers. Physical magical effects cause no more than a single wound point of damage per attack. Attacks directed at the mind and soul wok normally, and the character can be affected by the sorcery schtick summoning just as if he was an extra planar creature. There are hazards to ethereal travel, winds, creatures and distractions that may lead travelers astray, so most ethereal jaunts are made as short as possible.

Oil of Fumbling

This oil will seem to be of a useful type, acid resistance, slipperiness, etc. until the wearer is under stress in an actual melee situation. At that point, he has a 50% chance each action to fumble and drop whatever he holds, weapon, shield, spell components, and so forth.

Oil of Great Devotion

This oil is used to anoint the hands, temples, neck and other sensitive areas on the body, though simply smearing it all over will work. It attunes the wearer to the mysteries of the world, increasing his Fortune step by Magic.

Oil of Horridness

By smearing this oil on the face, one's Charisma and Seduction is immediately reduced by an amount equal to your Magic attribute, as it temporarily renders the user's visage so horrid that only the ghuls and night hags would be comfortable around him. This oil is rarely labeled correctly, as it is often the result of oil of attractiveness which has spoiled. It can be removed normally.

Oil of Invisibility

This wondrous perfume will turn the wearer almost completely invisible. The oil does have a distinctive scent that many dogs can track. You can sneak without any cover, and use your Agility + Magic as the Action Value for sneaking.

Oil of Invulnerability

This oil makes the wearer almost invulnerable to physical weapons by turning him partially astral. The oil has the strong aroma of burnt almonds when used.

Treat this as the creature power Damage Immunity; Melee Weapons & Guns. Magical weapons, even signature weapons, can still harm him normally.

Oil of Obedience

This pasty unguent is smeared on the forehead of a creature that is asleep or unconscious. Upon awaking, that creature comes under the control of the individual who placed the oil there. This control is complete, and the obedient one is little more than a zombie. The victim does not think for himself except in the most basic fashion (breathing, not walking into walls), and cannot use spells (but can use creature powers). The one who placed the oil must give orders for the affected individual to move; the affected individual ignores orders that are impossible to follow.

Self-destructive or completely alien acts allow the affected individual a Willpower roll against the controllers Magic to ignore the order. If this scores an Outcome matching the controllers Charisma, control is broken. This oil has no effect on an individual who is awake, or is awakened by the placing of the oil.

Oil of Slipperiness

This application makes it impossible for the individual to be grabbed, grasped, or hugged by any opponent, or constricted by snakes or tentacles. (Note that a roper could still inflict weakness, but that the monster's tentacles could not entwine the opponent coated with oil of slipperiness.)

In addition, such obstructions as webs, magical or otherwise, will not affect an anointed individual. Bonds such as ropes, manacles, and chains can be slipped free. Magical ropes and the like are not effective against this oil. If poured on a floor or on steps, anyone on the floor must make an Agility test before each action against a difficulty of your Magic or slip and fall, loosing that action.

Oil of Soft Feet

This oil is applied to the feet of travelers, and makes the feet supple and fresh, better able to withstand the rigors of the road. If the whole body is coated, only the feet benefit. The wise traveler coats his feet only, thus extending the effect over a whole week through repeated applications.

Oil of the Pickpocket

This oil, rubbed over the hands, allows a character to add Magic to his Deceit when picking pockets or performing sleight-of-hand.

Oil of Timelessness

When this oil is applied to any matter that was once alive (leather, leaves, paper, wood, dead flesh, etc.), it allows that substance to resist the passage of time. Each year of actual time affects the substance as if only a day had passed. The oil never wears off, although it can be removed. One flask contains enough oil to coat eight man-sized objects, or an equivalent area.

Ointment of Confidence

This ointment increases the user's self confidence, thus improving his Willpower by Magic.

Scent Charm

Imbued with Elemental Air, these scents makes the wearer more comfortable to be around. It gives an effective Seduction skill of Magic + Charisma, but does not improve on existing skill.

Stasis Lotion

A concoction using elemental air to cool and elemental wood to sustain life, preventing decay. When the lotion is poured over a body, that body will be covered by frost and fall into stasis. For 24 hours the body will not rot, it will be as if no time passed at all, and disease or damage will not grow worse. Nor can it be healed.

This can be used on people who have failed Death Tests, to give time to bring them to a competent healer.