
Items / Gadgets / Ninja Scabbard

Concealment: Trenchcoat

The Saya has many functions besides holding the Ninjato. This Gadget is equipped with a removable tip, so that it can be turned into a hollow tube, when the sword is removed. It may be used in the following ways:

Climbing: The scabbarded weapon forms a small stepladder. The outsize hand-guard of the Ninja-to acts to support the Ninja's foot.

Probe: Partially drawing the Ninjato, bracing the sword and scabbard together with the"sageo"(scabbard cord) forms a probe pole some 2 meters long. This may be used to test footing, rap on walls, etc. The Ninja in this situation can immediately release the scabbard, letting it fall on the ground.

Blowgun: Removing the tip of the Saya allows it to be used as a short Blowgun.

Voice Trumpet: The Ninja speaks through the Saya, using a form of ventriloquism. He may cause his voice to"speak" from any point within 10 meters of his location. He can disguise its quality, but his volume cannot exceed a human shout. Use Deceit for this stunt.

Powder Scatter: The tip of the Saya may be loaded with some powdered Poison or Drug. An Iaijutsu attack with the sword from such a prepared scabbard may throw the powder onto the target, even if the blow with the sword misses, make a separate attack roll for the powder. See BlindingEgg for effects.