
Items / Gadgets / Freeze Shield

Concealment: Pocket

Freeze Shields work through temporal flux; when something that moves too fast or has too much energy approaches the shield, it momentarily freezes time, rendering the user invulnerable but immobile for a short while and deflecting the attack. Someone protected by this looks like a perfectly reflective mirrored statue.

Each shot in which this shield activates costs the user a single shot from his shot counter. This is not so much because the shield takes time to use as it is because of the disorientation caused by the temporal freeze. The shield still works when the user is out of shots.

The shield activates on any successful hit, and reduces the base damage of any attack to zero. In the case of melee weapons, damage is reduced to the Strength of the wielder. You still add attack outcome to this as normal.

The best weapon to use against a Freeze Shield is thus a melee weapon with outcome-enhancing powers like Precision and Clinch. If freeze shields are common in a particular setting, they are likely to greatly change how wars are fought, making weapons like Dagger with KeenEdge the most viable weapons and reducing guns to obscurity.

Freeze shields do not work along with any type of armor.