
Items / Gadgets / Exotics

These potions are generally not applied to people, either as an unguent or by drinking. They are instead used on objects. They have unusual, exotic effects.

Draught of Magnificent Growth

Pouring this liquid on a seed or young plant will cause it to grow very quickly, growing a number of meters equal to your Magic attribute per sequence for a number of sequences equal to your Magic attribute. It is actually meant to be sprinkled over an area, causing wild growth of plants, brush and brambles, creating a living barrier in any form within a radius equal to your Magic attribute. These brambles burn poorly, and are almost impossible to chop through. Each cubic meter has a Toughness equal to your Magic attribute. Plants thus grown wither and die after an hour if the environment cannot naturally support them.

Nolzuf's Marvelous Pigments

These magical emulsions enable their possessor to create actual objects simply by depicting their form in two dimensions. When the picture is complete, he emulsion flows from the application to form the desired object as the wielder concentrates on the desired image. The limit on creation is as much a function of detail as of area covered. Thus, a 10' x 10' rendition of a pit would result in an actual 10' x 10' x 10' pit; a 10' x 10' depiction of a room would result in a 10' x 10' x 10' room; creating a highly elaborate artwork or complex mechanism may use the whole pot for just a small item. Only normal, inanimate things can be created; doors, pits, flowers, trees, cells, etc.; monsters, people, golems, and the like can't be created. The pigments must be applied to a surface (i.e., a floor, wall, ceiling, door, etc.). The entire painting takes ten minutes to create, and this is also a limit on the level of detail possible. Objects of value depicted by pigments; precious metals, gems, jewelry, ivory, etc. will appear to be valuable but will usually be made of tin, lead, paste gems, brass, bone, etc. Normal armor or weapons can, of course, be created.

Oil of Fiery Burning

This is magical Liquid Star. When this oil is exposed to air, it immediately bursts into flame, inflicting damage 14 to any creature directly exposed to the substance. If hurled, the flask will always break. Any creature within 10' of the point of impact may be affected. The oil can, for instance, be used to consume the bodies of as many as six regenerating creatures, such as trolls. If the flask is opened, the creature holding it immediately suffers damage 6. Unless an Initiative roll of 10+ is made, the flask cannot be re-stoppered in time to prevent the oil from exploding, with effects described above. If you are damaged by a fire attack while carrying Oil of Fiery Burning, a fumbled Fortune roll will cause the Oil of Fiery Burning to explode.

Oil of Impact

This oil has beneficial effects on blunt weapons and missiles. When applied to a blunt weapon such as a club, hammer, or mace, it bestows a + Magic bonus to damage. If a person is covered with the oil, his fists will do Strength + Magic damage. One application will treat one person, three fists or melee weapons or 20 sling stones. The effects last 24 hours, just like most magic oils.

Oil of Rainbow Hues

This syrupy potion allows the user to change the coloration of anything smeared with it, as long as he is within Magic meters of it. The object can become any color or combination of colors the user can envision, and coloration can be changed with a 1-shot action. This adds the caster's Magic to any stunt to hide or camouflage the object, and can have other uses limited only by the user's imagination. The effect lasts 24 hours or until washed off with alcohol. (C.f. Magical Oils & Perfumes.)

Oil of Romance

This oil smells of rancid fish, yet has a powerful effect when poured on the ground, usually across a doorway or other window. At that time, the pourer speaks the name of an individual of the opposite sex. Upon crossing the threshold or patch of oil, the named individual makes a Willpower test against the Magic of the user. On a failure, the charmed individual becoming devoted to the pourer of the oil, seeking to protect the latter and carry out his or her needs. In addition, the individual becomes a "victim of love," viewing the oil bearer in a new, more amorous light. The user may add his Magic to all social interaction against his victim as long as the potion lasts. If not triggered, the oil loses it's effectiveness after a number of hours equal to the user's Magic attribute.

Sovereign Glue

This pale amber substance is thick and viscous. One dose of the adhesive will bond virtually any two substances together in a permanent union. The glue takes one full minute to set; if the objects are pulled apart before that time has elapsed, that application of the glue will lose its stickiness and be worthless. If the glue is allowed to set, then attempting to separate the two bonded objects will only result in the rending of one or the other except when universal solvent is applied to the bond.

Sweet Water

This potion appears like clear, crystalline water. It can be drunk, in which case it will work like a Universal Antidote, but this is not its primary effect. If poured into a body of water, it will remove poison, taint, infection, excessive salt or other pollutants, resulting in perfectly clear and drinkable spring water. A container of up to a hundred cubic meters times the user's Magic attribute can be affected. If poured into a well or stream, it may actually improve the quality of water in it permanently, otherwise the water is subject to normal risks of renewed infection after the one-hour duration is up.

Universal Solvent

This strange and magical liquid appears to be some sort of minor oil. Upon first examination, it seems to have the properties of oil of slipperiness, and indeed it does. However, if it is applied to any form of adhesive or sticky material, the solution will immediately dissolve it. Thus, for instance, the effect of sovereign glue or Glutinous Goo will immediately be negated by this liquid, as will any other form of cement, glue, or adhesive. If the liquid is boiled for ten minutes before application, reducing it to one-third normal volume, it will dissolve one cubic meter of organic or inorganic material. This will cause damage equal to the distillers Sorcery, Fix-It or Medicine to a target smeared with it, disintegrating him (as the blast) if he fails a death test caused by this damage. Inanimate objects are automatically affected by the solution, although if they are magical or otherwise remarkable or important to the story, they may possibly resist the effects.