
Items / Gadgets / Elixirs

Elixirs can be found, unstopped and drunk in a 3-shot action if kept handy. An elixir normally lasts an hour. If exact duration is important, make a roll of Magic - Constitution and add the result (positive or negative) to the duration in minutes. It is possible for several characters to share an elixir. Unless otherwise noted, this splits the duration proportionally to the amount drunk. The effect is often split as well, see the specific potion description. Once the seal of a potion bottle is broken, the magic takes effect, and duration is counted from this point. It is thus not possible to take only a part of a potion, saving the rest for later.


Imbibing this potion enables the individual to climb much better. Add the character's Magic to all climbing stunts.


A full potion of this draught must be consumed for its effects to be felt. It will charm one creature, making him obey the imbiber. To charm someone, the drinker need merely look into its eyes (a 1-shot action) and make a Magic roll against the target's Willpower. Each point of Outcome charms the victim for one hour. Those charmed will completely trust and obey their new master, gleefully taking risks for him, but not to the point of suicide. If ordered into a course of action unnatural to them, they can roll Willpower against the user's Magic in order to break the magic. Afterwards, they will remember what they did, but not think especially about it if their actions seem rational and normal in retrospect. This potion comes in various variants. Animal Control masters animals, and can charm more than a single animal. If any of the animals' Body is greater than the user's Magic, he can charm a number of animals equal to his Magic attribute; otherwise there is no limit to the number of animals he can control. Dragon Control will control any dragon, including dragon-kin such as pseudo dragons and dragon turtles. Genie Control will control any genie, including djinn, efreet, dao and marids as well as half-genies such as djinnlings, jann, ghuls and pahari and all the different types of tasked genies. Giant Control will control any giant or giant-kin, including titans and formori. Human Control will control any human or near-human, such as dwarfs, elves, orks and gnolls. Plant Control allows control of all normal, non-intelligent plants within five meters times the user's Magic attribute, and allows control over one plant-based creature. The plants cannot do anything they are not normally capable of. Undead Control can control undead creatures, such as ghosts, zombies and specters. Any number of mindless undead can be affected, but only a single sentient creature.

Cure Disease

Adds Magic to Constitution for the purpose of resisting disease, infection and rot, and gives an extra chance to shake off any disease in the character's system. It automatically cures diseases that normally allow no resistance roll.


This potion affects the mind of the character so that he believes the liquid is some other potion (healing, for example, is a good choice. Damage is "restored" by drinking it, and only death or rest after an adventure will reveal that the potion only caused the imbiber to believe that he was aided). If several individuals taste this potion, it is 90% probable that they will all agree it is the same potion (or whatever type the DM announces or hints at).


After drinking this potion, the individual (and everything he's carrying and wearing) diminishes in size to as small as 5 % of normal size. The percentage of the potion drunk determines the amount a character shrinks: For example, if 40% of the contents are swallowed, the person shrinks to 60% of normal size. Minimum size is 5% of normal. Carrying capacity (for goods they pick up while shrunk) is reduced proportionally to length. Characters get a +2 on dodge and sneaking stunts at 50%, 25% and 5% of original size. They also subtract this number from Strength, Toughness and Move. Attributes cannot go below 0.

Divine Grace

This draught will inspire total confidence in the drinker. He will fell as though he is a God, or the most favored of Fate. During this time he will be very willful and self confident, but can be led if influenced subtly. Reduce Mind and all Mind skills by Magic, except Intimidation that is increased by Magic. This potion is addictive, and it is rumored that some Holy Slayer brotherhoods use it to ensure the loyalty of their members.


This potion grants the imbiber a vision of that which he desires. The imbiber drinks the potion before retiring, and names the person, object, or setting that he is searching for. That evening, a dream will tell him something about what he seeks: a location, a magical guardian, other individuals nearby, potential dangers, etc. Only one thing will be revealed about a person, object, or setting per dream. Upon awakening, the dream will remain in the imbiber's mind so that he may use the clues provided there to guide his path. A dreamer seeking water may have a marid appear to him, pointing to the east, where water is in the "waking" world within easy walking distance. A dreamer seeking a lost gem may find himself deep in a cavern, where a great ghul hunkers over the gem, indicating the creature guarding the gem. The DM determines the nature of the clue: a direction, a location, or an individual involved in the search in the dream. If no clues are available (by DM decision) or the item searched for is magically protected or not in existence, the individual will instead have a vivid nightmare. The DM may feel free to pepper the dream with horrific images, foreboding of doom, and dangers to the dreamer and the dreamer's party. Sometimes this potion doesn't give visions of the future; it actually shapes reality according to the dreams of the imbiber. Thus, a dreamer who knows the well he dreamt of does not exist may be surprised to find it in the waking world the next morning.


Upon drinking this potion, the individual becomes pleasantly, horribly, totally inebriated. Role-playing aspects of this situation are left to the player and the DM, but in game terms the individual has just consumed twice his Magic servings of alcohol. Just a tiny sip counts as Magic servings of alcohol. If the potion is split, up to ten drinkers can take a sip each. It can also be mixed in other liquids and food, and remains potent for an hour. The effects of inebriation wear off naturally.

Fire Breath

This potion allows the imbiber to spew a tongue of flame at any time within one hour of quaffing the liquid. The spittle has a damage rating of Magic +10 and is a cone, 6 meters wide at the base and up to 25 meters long. If the flame is not expelled before the hour expires, the potion fails, with a 10% chance that the flames erupt in the imbiber's system, inflicting double damage upon him.

Fire Resistance

This potion bestows upon the person drinking it magical invulnerability to all forms of normal fire (such as bonfires, burning oil, or even huge pyres of flaming wood). It also gives resistance to fires generated by molten lava, a wall of fire, a fireball, fiery dragon breath, and similar intense flame or heat. Subtract the drinker's Magic from the damage of all such attacks.

Gaseous Form

By imbibing this magical liquid, the individual causes his body, as well as anything he's carrying or wearing, to become gaseous. The gaseous form is able to flow at a Move of Magic. Strong air currents will blow the gaseous form about. The gaseous form is mist like and insubstantial. It wavers and shifts, and takes no more than a single point of damage from attacks directed at toughness. It has a Move equal to Magic. It cannot perform any action except movement, but can choose to end the potion's duration at any time (a 3-shot action). When gaseous the individual is able to enter any space that is not airtight even a small crack or hole that allows air to penetrate also allows entry by a creature in gaseous form. If only a part of the potion is drunk, duration is reduced proportionally.

Giant Strength

When a giant strength potion is consumed, the individual gains great strength. Add his Magic attribute to his Strength rating.


This potion enables the imbiber to speak fluently, even tell lies Ñ smoothly, believably, and undetectably. Increase his Deceit by Magic.


This potion causes the height and weight of the person consuming it to increase. Garments and other worn and carried gear also grow in size. Each fourth of the liquid consumed causes a 1' increase in height. Maximum growth is a number of feet equal to half his Magic attribute. Weight increases is proportional to the change in height. Any gear carried also grows. For each foot grown the grown character increases his Strength, Toughness and Movement by one but loses a point of Agility. Sneaking also becomes increasingly difficult.


Immediately restores damage points equal to a Magic + Constitution roll, even during combat. It has the same value as a Medicine skill when stabilizing a dying character. Healing potions sometimes come in tri-packs known as extra-healing.


This potion cures physical handicaps, blindness, deafness, disease, feeblemindedness, insanity, infection, infestation, poisoning, and rot. It will not heal wounds or restore damage inflicted through any of the above causes. Imbibing the whole potion will cure all of the above afflictions suffered by the imbiber. Half a flask will cure any one or two of the listed ills (GM's choice).


This unusual draught increases the drinker's fighting ability, increasing his Martial Arts skill. Take the average of the drinker's own skill and 20 and use the result as the drinker's modified Martial Arts action value. He also gains an additional reserve of Fu points equal to his Magic attribute to spend each round, but his Fu rating does not actually increase.


A levitation potion allows levitation of the drinker, to a maximum weight of 50 kilos times his Magic attribute. He can now move through the air at his normal Move rate. The consumer can carry another person, as long as their total weight is within this limit.


This potion causes the individual drinking it to become charmed with the first creature seen after consuming the draught. The imbiber will follow that person about, trying to be friendly and helpful, and may actually become enamored if the creature is of similar race and of the right sex. While affected by the philter, adds his Magic to his beloved's effective Charisma and social skills.


A single sip of this elixir causes the imbiber to go mad, raving wildly until magic is used to remove the madness. Once any creature is affected by the elixir, the remaining draught loses all magical properties, becoming merely a foul-tasting liquid.


When this potion is imbibed the individual becomes more charismatic, gaining a bonus equal to his Magic attribute on Seduction.

Polymorph Self

This wondrous draught allows the drinker to assume the form of any animal desired, along with the physical characteristics (Body, Reflexes) of that form. He can also change form again in a single round while the potion lasts. No attribute can be changed by more than Magic points, so very small or large forms might be impossible to assume. When the potion wears off, the character must make a Willpower roll against a difficulty equal to the number of transformations made. If this check fails, he will retain animal-like habits from time to time for one day per point of failure. This can be both embarrassing (you eat like a pig) and dangerous (the bird-minded suddenly leaps out the window).


Add your Magic to your Speed to determine initiative. This potion causes tremendous strain on your body, so it automatically shuts down at the end of a fight.

Stammering and Stuttering

When this liquid is consumed, it will seem to be beneficial philter of glibness or persuasiveness, for instance. However, whenever a meaningful utterance must be spoken (a spell, the text of a scroll, negotiation with a monster, etc.), the potion's true effect is revealed nothing can be said properly, and the character's social skills are reduced by his Magic attribute.

Treasure Finding

A potion of treasure finding empowers the drinker with a location sense, so that he can point to the direction of the nearest mass of treasure. The treasure must be within his Magic attribute times 60 yards, and its mass must equal metal of at least 10,000 copper pieces or 100 gems or any combination. Note that only valuable metals (copper, silver, electrum, gold, platinum, etc.) and gems (and jewelry, of course) are located. The potion won't locate worthless metals or magical items which don't contain precious metals or gems. The imbiber of the potion can "feel" the direction in which the treasure lies, but not its distance. Intervening substances other than special magical wards or lead-lined walls will not withstand the powers that the liquor bestows upon the individual.

Universal Antidote

Adds Magic to a character's Constitution or Poison when resisting poison. A character who has failed a death test caused by poison can use Constitution + Magic as a Medicine revival attempt. If this works, he is immediately totally restored and well.


This allows the user to make his voice sound as if it (or someone's voice or a similar sound) were issuing from someplace other than where he is from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. The user can speak in any language he knows, or make any sound he can normally make. This adds your Magic to appropriate Deceit stunts.


This potion restores the user to full vitality despite exertion, lack of sleep, and going without food and drink for up to seven days. It will nullify up to seven days of deprivation, and will continue in effect for the remainder of its seven-day duration.

Water Breathing

The potion allows the character drinking it to breathe water as if it was air. Thus, a character who has consumed a water breathing potion could enter the depths of a river, lake, or even the ocean and not drown while the magical effects of the potion persisted. The character will feel short of breath for the last ten minutes of the potion's duration, a clear warning to get to the surface immediately.


Quaffing this rare and potent elixir will reverse aging. Taking the full potion at once reduces the imbiber's age by 1d4 + 1 years. Taking just a sip first, instead of drinking it down, will reduce the potency of the liquid, and drinking the lower-potency liquid reduces age by only 1d3 years. This is a rare potion, and sometimes backfires, quickly aging the character.