
Items / Gadgets / Clockwork Knight

Concealment: Unconcealable, Slick

This is a suit of medieval full armor powered by a clockwork engine. It fights furiously if blindly, and can be a real danger in a narrow passage.

The device has a number of points to distribute between Body and Reflexes equal to the creatorÂ’s FixIt (minimum 5 each) and 5 points of armor. It always has an Move of zero. If controlled by an operator, it uses his FixIt to attack. It is usually armed with a GreatSword, for +5 damage. If its nature is known, it is vulnerable to a number of stunts, the simplest of which is simply moving around to its defenseless rear side. A clockwork knight can be placed on a remote-controlled rotating dais to alleviate this problem.

It takes a FixIt roll of 8 to identify a Clockwork Knight for what it is. On a fumble, the device is mistaken for a metallic supernatural creature.