
Items / Armor

Basic protective wear governed by Armor.


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Date Conceal
PaddedJacket 1 -1 - Trenchcoat, Slick
PaddedCoveralls 2 -1 - Unconcealable
StuddedArmor 3 -2 - Unconcealable
HardenedCuirass 2 -1 2000 BC Trenchcoat
BronzeCuirass 3 -2 700 BC Trenchcoat
BronzeFullArmor 4 -3 600 BC Unconcealable


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Date Conceal
SilkArmor 1 - - Jacket
ChainShirt 2 -1 200 AD Jacket
PieceMetalArmor 3 -1 400 BC Unconcealable
ChainHauberk 3 -1 800 AD Unconcealable
FullChain 4 -2 1100 AD Unconcealable
PlateOverChain 5 -3 1300 AD Unconcealable


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Date Conceal
Brigantine 2 - 1400 Trenchcoat
Cuirass 3 -1 1450 Trenchcoat
HalfPlate 4 -2 1450 Trenchcoat
FullPlate 5 -2 1400 Unconcealable


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Date Conceal
ProtectiveSportswear 2 - 1850 Unconcealable


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Date Conceal
FlakJacket 4 -2 1940 Unconcealable
BombDisposalSuit 6 -3 1960 Unconcealable


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Date Conceal
UndercoverVest 2 - 1980 Jacket
BulletproofVest 4 -1 1970 Trenchcoat
LayeredVest 6 -2 1985 Unconcealable


Civilian Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Conceal Cost Notes
LinedFashion 2 - Pocket, Slick 1 Dress, tuxedo, catsuit
LinedClothing 3 - Jacket, Slick 1 Dinner jacket, day clothes
LinedCoat 4 - Coat, Slick 1 Heavy-duty clothing
ArmorVest 2 - Jacket -
CombatFatigues 3 - Coat -
CombatVest 4 - Unconcealable -
CombatArmor 5 -1 Unconcealable - Add-on to combat fatigues
Military Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Conceal Cost Notes
CeramicBreastplate 5 - Coat 1
CeramicArmor 6 -1 Coat 1
CeramicFullsuit 7 -1 Unconcealable 1
ArmoredExoskeleton 8 -2 Unconcealable 1
Power Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Conceal Cost Notes
ScoutArmor 6 - Unconcealable 2 Power Armor
FieldArmor 8 -1 Unconcealable 2 Power Armor
CombatHardsuit 10 -2 Unconcealable 2 Power Armor
AssaultHardsuit 12 -3 Unconcealable 2 Power Armor

Armor at this tech level generally has an item schtick cost.


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Conceal Cost Notes
EnergyHalo 12 - Pocket 2
EnergyScreen 6 - Negligible 2
PowerHalo 8 - Pocket 2
PowerScreen 4 - Negligible 2


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Conceal Cost Notes
ForceArmor 1 - Negligible 1

Regular armor can be enchanted, either adding a point of protection or reducing reflex penalty by one for each Items schtick. Unlike a mundane Custom Armor, you can add more than one schticks worth of additional damage this way.