
Items / Ancient

The dawn of civilization up to the invention of iron working.


Ancient technology uses muscle or primitive wind power and softer and more easily worked metals like bronze and gold. The more easily domesticated animals, like horses and dogs, are available but still not fully bred. Horses are most likely used as draft animals at this time. This period is by far the longest and most diverse, so a campaign set in this time would have to define carefully exactly what is available, from simple hunter-gatherer societies to advanced civilizations like those of Egypt and Mesoamerica.

The archetypical culture at this level is the Assyrians. In a more general sense, it covers the period from primordial time to the seventh century BC.



Ancient Guns
Type Damage Concealment Ammo Reload Notes
Sling 7 Pocket 1 1 ShortRange, Silent, Improvised
Blowpipe (short) 5 Jacket 1 O Poisoned, ShortRange, Silent
Sling (bullet) 9 Jacket 1 1 Silent
HuntingBow 8 Trenchcoat 1 O ShortRange, Silent
Blowpipe (long) 7 Unconcealable 1 O Poisoned, Silent
WoodenCrossbow 9 Unconcealable 1 3 Silent
WarBow 10 Unconcealable 1 O Silent
MightyBow +1 Unconcealable - - Requires Strength, Costs 1 Items Schtick
OversizeGun +1 Unconcealable - - Requires Strength and size


Ancient Weapons Hands Conceal Damage Maneuvers
Battle Ax 1 Trenchcoat +4 Charge, GreatBlow
Bola 1 Jacket +0 Entangle, OnlyThrow
Boomerang 1 Trenchcoat +3 Deceptive, OnlyThrow, Return
Cestus 1 Jacket +3 Stun
Chain 1 Trenchcoat +3 Entangle, GreatBlow, Improvised, Reach
Club 1 Jacket +3 Charge, Improvised, NonLethal, Parry, Throw
Dagger 1 Jacket +2 Clinch, Impale, Throw
Dart 1 Jacket +3 OnlyThrow
Flail 1 Trenchcoat +4 Deceptive, GreatBlow
Garrote 2 Negligible +2 Clinch, Improvised, Precision, Stun
Gauntlet 1 Jacket +2 NonLethal, Stun
Grappling Hook 1 Jacket +2 Improvised, Reach, Entangle, Throw, GreatBlow
Great Ax 2 Unconcealable +5 GreatBlow, Throw
Great Spear 2 Unconcealable +3 Charge, Impale, Reach, Receive
Hand Ax 1 Jacket +3 Charge, Lock, Throw
Harpoon 1 Unconcealable +4 Throw
Javelin 1 Unconcealable +3 Charge, Impale, Throw
Large Shield offhand Unconcealable +1 Block, Charge, Improvised, NonLethal
Lariat 1 Jacket +0 Disarm, Entangle, Improvised, MountedCharge, NonLethal, OnlyThrow, Return
Mace 1 Trenchcoat +3 Bash, Beak, GreatBlow
Maul 2 Unconcealable +4 Bash, Beak, GreatBlow
Net 1 Trenchcoat +0 Deceptive, Entangle, Throw
Nunchaka 1 Jacket +3 Precision, GreatBlow
Quarterstaff 2 Unconcealable +2 SecondStrike (butt), GreatBlow, Improvised, NonLethal, Parry, Stun
Rock 1 Pocket +2 Improvised, Throw, GreatBlow
Sap 1 Negligible +2 Improvised, NonLethal, Stun
Small Shield offhand Trenchcoat +2 Improvised, NonLethal, Parry, Stun
Spear 1 Unconcealable +3 SecondStrike (butt), Charge, GreatBlow, Impale, Improvised
Tiger Claws 1 Pocket +2 Clinch
Torch 1 Jacket +1 Improvised, Elemental (fire), Parry, Throw
Weighted String 1 Pocket +1 Disarm, Entangle, Improvised, Reach
Whip 1 Jacket +2 Disarm, Reach, Stun, Entangle
Modifications: Modifications cost an Items schtick each
GadgetWeapon - - - One extra maneuver
MasterworkWeapon - - Add +1


Armor Protection Reflex Penalty Date Conceal
PaddedJacket 1 -1 - Trenchcoat, Slick
PaddedCoveralls 2 -1 - Unconcealable
StuddedArmor 3 -2 - Unconcealable
HardenedCuirass 2 -1 2000 BC Trenchcoat
BronzeCuirass 3 -2 700 BC Trenchcoat
BronzeFullArmor 4 -3 600 BC Unconcealable