
Guns / Schticks / Dramatic Reload

This is the schtick to load real slow and dramatically.

Spend an 3-shot action to reload; describe a short montage how you look cool doing it. Until you run out of bullets or the combat ends, you get a bonus on all Guns attacks depending on the number of bullets you loaded.

Reload 1 bullet: +5 bonus
Reload 2 bullets: +4 bonus
Reload 3-6 bullets: +3 bonus
Reload 7+ bullets: +1 bonus

You normally do this in action, but you can do it as a part of the gear-up scene for a dramatic fight.

If your gun normally takes more than three shots to reload, you must spend the normal reload time on Dramatic Reload rather than the normal three shots. Lightning Reload can reduce extra long reload times, but you must spend at least three shots on Dramatic Reload to get the bonus.