
Guns / Schticks / Both Guns Blazing

This is the schtick to fire two handguns.

You are fully ambidextrous (at least while shooting) and can use both hands simultaneously with amazing coordination. You amaze even yourself with your ability to coordinate your moves so that you can keep ut a staccato beat of gunfire.

Concentrated Fire

You can try to hurt a single opponent really badly by shooting him simultaneously with a gun in each hand. Needless to say, you need to be employing two guns that can be fired with one hand each: handguns fit the bill, and so do other firearms that are described as having a pistol grip or as capable of being fired one-handed.

When you successfully hit an opponent with the Both Guns Blazing schtick, the Wound Points suffered by the opponent are figured as follows:

Wound Points Suffered = Total Damage Rating of Both Guns - (Opponent's Toughness x 2) + Outcome

Your GM will tell you the Toughness of an opponent as you make a Both Guns Blazing attack. (If this bothers any GMs, remember that shooting somebody in the chest with a couple of .45s is actually a pretty good way of finding out how much punishment he can handle.) You have to do the figuring involved and give the GM the final result.

Separate Targets

You can fire at two separate opponents in one action with no penalty by using two different weapons, one in each hand. Make a separate attack roll for each. You may not attack the same target twice with one action; use BothGunsBlazing for that. You may not fire at more targets by stunting further.