
Guns / Schticks / Bag Full Of Guns

This is the schtick to carry a lot of firearms.

Inspired by the work of Tun Kai Poh.

It's fortunate that I stashed these irons here outside the Thunder Pagoda. You just never know when you're going to need 'em.

This is a large suitcase or duffel bag filled with a variety of firearms. Excentric gunmen may use instrument cases, bulky trenchcoat or a sexy fanny pack instead.

The owner of the Bag may reach into it and pull out any gun as if drawing the weapon normally. Each gun comes with one full load of ammo. The difficulty of finding a gun depends on the weapons Concealability, use the following table:

Concealability Difficulty
Negligible 5
Pocket 5
Jacket 10
Trench Coat 15

On a failed roll, the owner pulls out a basic pistol. On a botch, the bag is out of useful guns, and cannot be used again until refilled (between sessions). If a character besides the owner of the Bag searches through it for a weapon, any failed roll is considered a botch.

The bag does not contain extra ammo. Character's who want "bag full of ammo'' should bye LightningReload.

Futuristic guns and antiques are not normally in the Bag, although the character can fill the Bag with those if she has access to them.

The Bag Full of Guns is disposable, but you will quickly aquire a new one so that it's around it when the need arises. You can also have it "stashed" somewhere and pick it up during a session - basically it can be stashed anywhere you could possibly have been beforehand. In other words, it recharges between sessions - unless the GM says no - and whenever it feels appropriate.