
Fu / Paths / Vengeful Turtle

<Fu/Paths/MysticShell Inheritance: no such section>

This path functions specifically against technological artifacts. This includes all Guns (including primitive ones like bows and crossbows), all Arcanotech Devices, Spellware, and Items of Steam technology or higher (not including magic items).

Natural Order

Fu: 3, Shot: 0

You can use your Martial Arts action value instead of your normal attributes when resisting the effects from a technological artifacts. This applies to any attribute, but Toughness and Willpower are the most common.

This is a combat stance, and is activated at the start of a Sequence, just after initiative is rolled. You can enter a stance as an action during a Sequence, but you can only do so when your shot is coming up. Stances stay in effect for one Sequence. Several stances can be combined. You can enter a stance in response to someone else's stance, so it may take a few moments for everyone to decide upon stances. You should describe how you dramatically shift into your stance, especially if you combine several stances.

Backlash of the Turtle

Fu: 3 Shot: 0

A technological artifact which has just done WoundPoints to you is destroyed, as long as its Toughness is less than your MartialArts AV. Signature weapons jam instead of being destroyed. You use this schtick out of Sequence, immediately after your opponent's attack. This is a Response Action.

Mirror of the Turtle

Fu: 3 Shot: 0

Make a MartialArts check with the number of WoundPoints (after any reductions) you have just suffered from a single hit from a technological artifact as your Difficulty. If you succeed, the opponent that wounded you takes an equal amount of Wound Points which are not reduced by Toughness. You use this schtick out of Sequence, immediately after your opponent's attack. This is a Response Action.

Laughter of the Turtle

Fu: 7 Shot: 0

You are immune to damage from technological artifacts until the end of the Sequence.

This is a combat stance, and is activated at the start of a Sequence, just after initiative is rolled. You can enter a stance as an action during a Sequence, but you can only do so when your shot is coming up. Stances stay in effect for one Sequence. Several stances can be combined. You can enter a stance in response to someone else's stance, so it may take a few moments for everyone to decide upon stances. You should describe how you dramatically shift into your stance, especially if you combine several stances.

Vengeance of the Turtle

Fu: 4, Shot: 3

Strike a technological artifact or vehicle barehanded or with a kick. Vengeance of the Turtle does damage equal to your Strength +10, and the artifact or vehicle may not use Toughness to reduce this damage. Any damage will reduce the target's Toughness by 1; damage matching Toughness will cause a crash; things like cars will be instantly reduced to mush.

In the case of small and medium artifacts or vehicles, don't bother calculating damage, simply assume they are destroyed.