
Fu / Paths / Selective Master

This isn't really a formal path at all, but only a collection of maneouvers developed over the centuries. Because it is so unstructured, schtricks on this path can be learnt in any order. Many of these schticks are odd in other ways, defying the usual benchmarks for Fu schticks.


Fu: 0, Shot: 3

You gets a +3 modifier to any MartialArts non-attack Stunts. You can thus swing from chandeliers, feint and do a lot of other stunts much more effectively.

Typical stunts include trips, feints, called shots, disarming strikes, and particularly outrageous and dashing maneuvers such as carving your initials into opponents and adjusting your opponent's coiffure in combat. It enables you to do all the fun but somewhat silly things done in pulpy Three Musketeers and pirate movies.

You can use this for an Active Defense, but the shot cost is 3 instead of the usual one. This works well when you defend another. You are also allowed to move around and do movement stunts when defending.


Fu: 0, Shot: 3

You have the Strength to attack with a fury beyond all bounds. You can throw haymakers in a brawl, great swiping attacks that force opponents to bowl over or get crushed. Anyone whose Strength is less than yours have to spend three shots to make an Active Defense against your punches.

Junk Fu

Fu: 0, Shot: 3

You are very good with improvised weapons, such as beer bottles or chairs. Use this maneouvre to pick up and wield some object lying about. For the rest of the sequence, you get a +3 bonus to MartialArts when using this object as a weapon. By the end of the sequence, if you drop the object, or if you roll snakeyes on your action die, the improvised weapon is destroyed. Objects with script immunity are not destroyed, merely dropped, but this schtick is still canceled for the sequence.

Improvised weapons generally do Strength +2 damage, but particularily inventive items can function like some regular Melee weapon, generally with a -2 damage penalty unless that type of weapon has the Improvised quality.

Signature Armor

Fu: 0, Shot: 0

You have a particular suit of armor that you almost always wear, and that has become something of an extension of your own personality. This works like a Signature Weapon in that it can never become lost. You also ignore any Reflex penalties the armor would normally give. It still has weight, makes noise and so on, though this does not penalize you in any way.

Signature Weapon

Fu: 0, Shot: 0

When you acquire this Fu power, specify a single hand-to-hand weapon as your signature weapon. This weapon is very much a part of your identity, and using it is second nature to you. This can be the epee awarded you by your liege for services rendered, the sword you forged as a culmination of your training, or the ax your grandmother gave you as a coming-of-age present. Mementos of dying comrades or loved ones are also common. This refers to a single, particular item, not all weapons of its type, but can be changed or given up over the course of the campaign.

It is very much a part of you. Under most circumstances, nobody will question your right to carry it, so its there in many situations where a weapon could not normally be carried. It is also harder to take away from you - you get a +3 bonus to resist any stund aimed at harming or taking away your weapon. Finally, it has script immunity. It will never become permanently lost or destroyed unless the GM develops a plot around it.

Signature weapons are often magical or superior weapons in and of themselves, see Melee Weapons.

Strength of Will

Fu: 0, Shot: 0

When making unarmed Martial Arts attacks, you can base your damage on your Fu rather than Strength.

Style Secrets

Fu: 0, Shot: 0

Style Secrets is unique in that it works differently for heroes and villains. Player Characters are always considered heroes, even if they are dark heroes. Almost all NPCs are considered villains in this context, and definitely all antagonists.

A villain has an individual, unusual and secretive style. When fighting opponents who haven't fought him before, he gains a special +3 Action Value bonus. In an adventure context, the players may need to find some special training, insight or item to overcome this bonus.

A hero with Style Secrets is a master at analyzing his opponent's style, and has the discipline to train and adjust for variants in style. The second time you fight a particular opponent in a particular story, you gain a +3 bonus to Action Value. This gives a bonus against recurring villains, but is not nearly as useful as the villain variant.

Two-Fisted Action

Fu: 0, Shot: 1

When you have both fists free for combat, you are capable of making a flurry of attacks in rapid succession. Whenever you throw a basic punch and have both hands free, you can use this schtick immediately afterwards to throw another punch at the same target. You can do no more punches this way than you have free hands (Beware the Indian six-armed god of pugilism).

Dragon Fist

Fu: 0, Shot: 0

You have learned to focus power through your fists, turning them into formidable weapons. Each time you take this schtick, it increases your unarmed damage by +2 on any attack you could have used armed - not including those Fu schticks that specifically must be used unarmed. This is one of the few Fu schticks that can be taken several times. The damage bonus from Dragon Fist can never exceed your Fu.