
Fu / Paths / Master Word

Charisma, control, mastery, serenity. All are important to the student of this path, for he seeks to master the very essence of human relations, his voice.

This path is unusual in that it relies more on Intimidation than on MartialArts.

Roar of the Lion

Fu: 2, Shot: 0

You manifest your chi in a stunning and terrifying yell, shocking your foe and breaking his nerve. Use this ability just before making a Martial Arts attack. You can immediately perform an extra 3-shot stunt using your Intimidation, without expending any shots.

Laughter of the Dragon

Fu: 3, Shot: 1

With a great rush of breath and chi, you overawe those within three meters of you and knock them away. Make an Charisma roll vs the Willpower of each, targets are thrown back one meter per point of Outcome. If thrown they also lose a shot.

The Imperial Whisper

Fu: 3, Shot: 3

The Imperial Whisper allows you to give a command which cannot be disobeyed. In practical terms, this means you can give one simple, direct, non-conditional order or task that must be done. You cannot order him how he is to fulfill the task, nor can you order him into inaction, so an order to "attack silently" or "stand still" is meaningless. The command generally cannot be longer than three words. Typical examples are "kill your pals" or "Cut my bonds". Within these limitations, the target does his best to obey the spirit of your instructions, without nefarious twists.

The target must understand the language you speak, but this is seldom an issue in Feng Shui. Anyone closer to you than the target will be able to overhear the command.

The range is your Charisma in meters, and you must match his Willpower or Dodge with a Intimidation roll. The compulsion lasts one of his shots per point of Outcome. An Outcome of zero allows only instantaneous actions.

This is similar to Influence, DamageImmunity to Influence prevents The Imperial Whisper.

The Great Shout

Fu: 6, Shot: 3

By focusing your chi, you can emit a shout of such power and precision as to shatter solid objects. The Great Shout is treated as a ranged attack (your Intimidation vs. your target's Dodge) with a range of your Fu in meters and damage equal to your Fu. The target may not use Toughness or Armor to defend against this attack. Most brittle inanimate objects, even solid stone boulders, will shatter gratifyingly under such treatment, and you can count on every window within earshot being broken.