
Fu / Paths / Irresistible Rock

The path of stone, of rock, or the rockslide. Strikes with irresistible force. A very hard, offensive style.

Heaven Cannon

Fu: 3, Shot: 3

Make an unarmed attack against an opponent for Strength +3 damage; if successful, the opponent is thrown a number of meters equal to the WoundPoints inflicted in the direction of your choice.

A knockback or throw hurls the target one meter per wound point inflicted. If the if the target is thrown, he also loses a shot regaining his balance.


Fu: 1, Shot: 1

As a defensive action, you root yourself to the ground for the current shot. Any attacks or Strunts designated to move or throw you automatically fails, with no effect whatsoever, Slime. You cannot lose shots from physical Stunts when rooted in this way. Attacks enhanced by movement, such as LeapingStorm: Flying Sword or Plummet automatically fails.


Fu: 4, Shot: X

This is a special attack where you use your body as a weapon. You can either do this as a full bashing attack, taking your time to build up power and with considerable punch and recovery. But it can also be a slight twist of your body, a lightning-quick tremor to surprise a foe.

You can spend one or more shots on this attack. You get to add three times the number of shots you spent to your Strength to determine the damage of the strike (Strength +3*X). The maximum damage is Strength + Martial Arts.

Tremor can be used with full effect while grappled or held, specifically against the holds of PassiveWings.

Humility of the Soil

Fu: 3, Shot: 1

Brace yourself while touching the ground or against some other solid surface such as a concrete wall. You use the strength of the earth as a shield against a single attack, letting it take most of the damage. Substitute your MartialArts AV for your Toughness. This is a defensive maneuver.