
Fu / Paths / Empty Mind

By emptying your own mind of distracting thoughts, you can increase your sensitivity to the outside world, and perhaps even disappear from the perceptions of others. This style is frequently practised by ninja.

Read Intent

Fu: 2, Shot: 0

Make a Martial Arts check against the Willpower or Intrusion of your target, or the distance in meters, whichever is greater. If successful, you know they are there and get a basic idea about their intentions; aggressive, defensive, or neutral.

You can use this schtick when you are about to be surprised, a success negates surprise.


Fu: 0, Shot: X

Reduce the Fu cost of your next Fu maneuver by 2X. A Fu schtick can never have a negative Fu cost.

Empty Mind Stance

Fu: 2, Shot: 0

This is a combat stance, and is activated at the start of a Sequence, just after initiative is rolled. You can enter a stance as an action during a Sequence, but you can only do so when your shot is coming up. Stances stay in effect for one Sequence. Several stances can be combined. You can enter a stance in response to someone else's stance, so it may take a few moments for everyone to decide upon stances. You should describe how you dramatically shift into your stance, especially if you combine several stances.

You may substitute your MartialArts Action Value for your Willpower.


Fu: 3, Shot: 3

You can make a Martial Arts attack without giving your opponent any warning. Your expression, aura and body won't give the attack away. This means that you always acheive surprise - your opponent cannot use Parry or Dodge, either passively or actively. Your attack difficulty is his Agility.

You cannot use your Strength or any weapon in such an attack, as this would instantly give you away. The damage of the attack is thus zero, only the Outcome generates damage.

This is frequently used with a Stunts: Attack Stunt.

No Presence

Fu: 2X, Shot: 1

By suppressing your aura, you can escape attention. For X shots, people will fail to notice you, as long as your Martial Arts Action Result matches their Willpower. Spending less than four Fu (X = 2 or a duration of two shots) is rather pointless, as you don't get to take any action before turning visible. As long as you are invisible, you can attack by surprise, so targets only get to use their Agility for defence.

You always become visble at the end of a sequence when using No Presence; there is no way to make yourself continously invisible. When not counting initiative, this power will only allow short dashes from cover to cover. You can sneak across open spaces in rushes no longer than twice your Move in meters with no penalty to Intrusion.