
Fu / Paths / Clever Eye

The Fox's Retreat

Fu: 1, Shot: 1

Add +5 to your Dodge value. Counts as a defensive action.

Eyes of the Fox

Fu: 1, Shot: 1

Study a character in combat: the GM must tell you the numerical value of one of the character's attributes, skills, or current point totals. You choose which one. You can do this out of combat as well, but only once per opponent per scene.

Laughter of the Fox

Fu: 1, Shot: 3

Make a Martial Arts check: if successful you grab a weapon from the hands of an opponent. Until end of Sequence all attacks made by you with this weapon against this opponent gain a +3 Action Value bonus.

Vengeance of the Fox

Fu: 2, Shot: 0

When you are attacked but missed by an opponent in hand-to-hand combat you may make a Martial Arts attack check. You cannot counterattack against a counterattack. If successful, the opponent is thrown and suffers Damage equal to his Strength + the Outcome.

A knockback or throw hurls the target one meter per wound point inflicted. If the if the target is thrown, he also loses a shot regaining his balance.

Luck of the Fox

Fu: 2, Shot: 1

Execute a maneuver that draws chi energy from the world around you. You get an extra fortune point, that you must spend during the current sequence. Does only work in combat or action scenes, where initiative is relevant.

Contract of the Fox

Fu: 8, Shot: 0

You have a first shot equal to the highest first shot rolled.

This is a combat stance, and is activated at the start of a Sequence, just after initiative is rolled. You can enter a stance as an action during a Sequence, but you can only do so when your shot is coming up. Stances stay in effect for one Sequence. Several stances can be combined. You can enter a stance in response to someone else's stance, so it may take a few moments for everyone to decide upon stances. You should describe how you dramatically shift into your stance, especially if you combine several stances.