
Fu / Paths / Brilliant Flame

If an opponent damaged by schticks on this path is wearing flammable clothing (or fur), that clothing ignites and the opponent must take 3 shots to slap the fire out or suffer 1 Wound Point each shot until something is done about the fire. Total damage from this fire effect cannot exceed your Fu rating. Once the targets clothes have caught fire once, they are assumed to be to scorched to catch fire again. A target immune to fire (or other appropriate element for variant paths) ignores this.

There is some similarity between the effects of this path and sorcery's Fire Blast.

There are variants of this path that use cold, lightning, sound, or other elemental effects instead. The schticks are named Lightning Strike, Thunder Strike, Cold Strike et al. A few examples of how such alternate paths could work are given below. Naturally, immunity to the relevant element would render you immune to that particular variant of this path.

Path of the Blizzard's Fury: A cold-based variant, replace Fire with Cold in all the schtick names. The special effect is that targets soak using Constitution instead of Toughness. Cold-weather clothing and nonmetallic armor is effective against this, but metal armor offers no protection.

Path of the Corrosive Fumes: An acid-based path, vile and disgusting by most standards. Replace Fire with Acid in all schtick names. It will cause additional damage through acid instead of through fire. Immunity and resistance to water, poison or acid protects against this path, but Gathering the Acid protects only against acid and poison.

Path of the Heavenly Lightning: An electricity-based variant, replace “Fire” with Lightning in all the schtick names. The special effect is that targets damaged by this lightning are shocked, and lose one from their current shot.

Path of the Raging Thunder: A sound-based variant, replace Fire with Thunder in all the schtick names. It makes a terrible racket when used. The special effect is that all thunder attacks except Thunder Strike ignore Armor. The noise required for Gathering the Thunder must be sufficient to cause damage or Impairment. Explosions, airplane takeoffs and your own favorite soundtrack at full-blast volume qualifies.

Fire Strike

Fu: 1, Shot: 3

Your fists flame when using this schtick, making your foes burn.

The weapon has some sort of elemental aspect that increases damage. Anyone damaged by an elemental weapon may take additional damage at the end of the shot. Unless the target has some extra resistance to the damage type (such as fire or acid resistance for those attacks), he takes 3 additional wound points.

Someone immune to melee weapon damage ignores any Wound Points from the weapon itself, but if the attack overcame Toughness/Armor and would have inflicted damage except for the resistance, the target still take the three extra elemental wound points.

A target immune both to the elemental damage and the regular damage takes no damage at all.

Fire Stance

Fu: 6, Shot: 0

This is a combat stance, and is activated at the start of a Sequence, just after initiative is rolled. You can enter a stance as an action during a Sequence, but you can only do so when your shot is coming up. Stances stay in effect for one Sequence. Several stances can be combined. You can enter a stance in response to someone else's stance, so it may take a few moments for everyone to decide upon stances. You should describe how you dramatically shift into your stance, especially if you combine several stances.

Until end of Sequence, you surround yourself with a flaming aura. Anyone striking you in close combat is burned, with a damage value equal to your MartialArts Action Value minus the outcome of his attack. Depending on your tradition, your own gear might be protected against this flame, but anything else near you risks catching fire. GM Note: This should be a nuisance rather than a problem.

Fire Fist

Fu: 1, Shot: 3

Strike an opponent barehanded with your fist wreathed in a flaming nimbus of chi energy. Damage rating of the attack is Fu +2. Even opponents somehow immune to Martial Arts attacks and/or Fu powers take full damage from the attack, unless they are also immune to the fire effect of Sorcery's Blast schtick.

Eyes of Fire

Fu: 3, Shot: 3

You can now damage opponents without touching them: a blast or flame emanates from your eyes, mouth or fist. Damage rating of the attack is Fu +2. Even opponents somehow immune to Martial Arts attacks and/or Fu powers take full damage from the attack, unless they are also immune to Fire.

Gathering the Fire

Fu: 3, Shot 0

You enter a stance where you can stand in the middle of a raging blaze this Sequence. Add your Fu to your Body to resist fire effects and you ignore secondary effects like smoke concealment, choking, nausea and continuing burns. For each shot in which you would have taken fire damage had this schtick not been active, you recover one Fu point. This means every shot if you are standing in a bonfire whose damage value is greater than your Toughness.

This is a combat stance, and is activated at the start of a Sequence, just after initiative is rolled. You can enter a stance as an action during a Sequence, but you can only do so when your shot is coming up. Stances stay in effect for one Sequence. Several stances can be combined. You can enter a stance in response to someone else's stance, so it may take a few moments for everyone to decide upon stances. You should describe how you dramatically shift into your stance, especially if you combine several stances.