
Experience / D&D

Dungeons and Dragons version 3.0 and 3.5 differ significantly from versions 1 and 2 - significantly enough to require a wholly different conversion process.



In 3E, D&D suddenly has a skill list that is robust enough to transform into T3. The following T3 skills have the following D&D equivalents:

T3 Skill D&D Skill Other D&D Statistic
Deceit Bluff, Disguise, Forgery, Sleight of Hand -
Drive Ride -
FixIt Craft, Disable Device -
Guns - Ranged Attack Bonus
Intimidation Intimidate -
Intrusion Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock -
Investigation Decipher Script, Gather Information, Search -
Leadership - Leadership Value from Leadership Feat
Martial Arts Balance, Jump, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope Melee Attack Bonus
Medicine Heal -
Powers - Attack Bonus or Highest Save DC for a spell-like or supernatural ability
Ranger Handle Animal, Survival -
Scholar Appraise, Knowledge -
Seduction Diplomacy, Perform, Sense Motive, Speak Language -
Sorcery Concentration, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device Highest Save DC for a spell

In general, use the best converted value for each T3 skill. Redundant D&D stats can be used as excuses for schticks.

Never include any bonuses from items in these calculations. Items should be converted separately ito Items schticks.


Feats and special powers should be directly converted to T3 schticks. Having several D&D qualifiers for a sigle T3 skill can also be used as an excuse to take schticks.

Any self-respecting D&D character will have many magical items; the most important of these should be converted into Items schticks.

Armor is one schtick per five full of natural armor, and subtract one for every size category beyond Medium. Creatures with very high body scores may not need this.

Damage Ratings

The damage add of a weapon is it's average damage in AD&D. Subtract 2 per size class beyond medium. For weapons that have no Attributes, use a base of 5, but subtract no size modifier.