
Experience / Basic Role Playing

Basic Role-playing is the base system of Runequest, Stormbringer, Call of Cthlhu and a host of other Chaosium titles.

It can be hard to evaluate characters in Basic Role-playing because it is not a level system - there is no universal measure of power. This means that you may have to add a modifier to the calculated skill value to make them suitably skilled for whatever task you need them for.

Converting skills can be tricky. T3 skills are much wider in application than BRP skills. Each skill in BRP should be mapped to one skill in T3, and often many BRP skills will match to a single T3 skill. Base the T3 skill on the highest relevant BRP skill. As benefits a more heroic system like T3, BRP characters usually become much more capable and less specialized after conversion.

BRP has no schtick concept, though there is magic with similar effects. Add schticks corresponding to the genre you play in.


Ludric the Brave is a Basic Role-Playing character to be converted to T3.

Ludric the Brave (Basic role-playing)

Str 12, Siz 16, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 14, Pow 9, App 6

Broadsword 78% (parry 40%)
Large Shield Parry 90%
Track 55%
Climb 65%

Broadsword, broadsword parry, and shield parry all convert to Martial Arts. The highest skill value is 90%, giving him Martial arts of 17. Track maps to Investigation. Climb could map to Martial Arts, but since Ludric already has that skill, it is mapped to Intrusion instead.

Notice that the skill values can be changed up and down depending on the power level of the T3 campaign.

Ludric the Brave (T3)

Body 7, Chi 5, Mind 7 (Cha 4, Wil 5), Ref 8

Martial Arts 17, Intrusion 15, Investigation 14