
Cyber / Schticks / Subdermal Guns

A gun mounted inside the body. It never takes any time to draw a subdermal gun, but it takes at least 3 shots to reload.

Default values for these guns (if not using the attributes of an existing gun) are:

Concealability Damage Ammo Noticable? Notes
Negligible 7 10 Unnoticable Short range
Pocket 9 10 To sensors Short range
Jacket 10 15 To close observation
Trenchcoat 12 30 Obvious Auto-capable
Unconcealable 13 100 Unconcealable Auto-capable, long range

All phrosthetic implants are can be detercted by sensors and are faily obvious to sight. SkinGraft helps you to conceal your limbs visually, while ElectronicWarfarePack helps you disguise its signature.