
Cyber / Schticks / Skillsoft Socket

A rack for plugging in skillsofts, programs and processors that allow the use of Skills. These small plug-ins allow you to handle almost any situation that might arise during a scenario.

Under these limitations, skillsofts allow you to use a chipped skill at your highest skill value.

You can normally be assumed to have skillsofts for any applicable Skills or situation in cybernetic junctures, but as the situation grows wierder, your 'softs will become obsolete and may begin at less than optimum value. It is usually hard to find a 'soft for using Roman siege engines.

Cyberware that can be taken several times become slightly more bulky for each pick you take. As you load up on metal, you become more inhuman, and at very high levels deployed cyberware will change your basic form. Eight picks is the usual maximum for cyberware.

Picks Signature when turned on Signature when turned off
1 Slick Slick
2 Visible to sensors Slick
3-4 Visible at close range Visible to sensors
5-6 Visible at range Visible at close range
7-8 Visible at range Visible at range

Skin Graft helps you to conceal your cyberware visually, while Mask helps you disguise its sensor signature.