
Cyber / Schticks / Prosthetics

Replacing large parts of the body with powered machinery can give enormous strength, speed and resilience, but you can hardly be called human anymore. These schticks are grouped together here for easy reference.

This schtick refeers to enhanced prostetics. Non-enhanced prosthetics are free but give no bonuses but replace functions that were lost due to injury. Upgrading them can be an excellent excuse for getting more new cyber.

All phrosthetic implants are can be detercted by sensors and are faily obvious to sight. SkinGraft helps you to conceal your limbs visually, while ElectronicWarfarePack helps you disguise its signature.

If you use prosthetics during a fight or other action sequence, you will overstrain your body, who is not really strong enough to perform these maneuvers. At the end of each sequence, you will take a number of WoundPoints equal to the difference between your normal attribute and the prosthetics-enhanced attribute value. You can use your prosthetics at less than full power to reduce this damage.

Prosthetics can come with a free Compartment if you want it.


A cyberarm, and the appropriate skeletal modifications that go with it. It has Strengthof 12. You need not necessarily replace a normal arm to fit a cyberarm, additional new arms can be fitted instead. They need not even look like arms; tails, tentacles and pincers are all very popular.

You need not have a Cyberarm to fit the cyberhand sub-systems, but it is very common.

Steel Grip

This is a specially reinforced cyber hand. It can grab and hold things like a vice, and has an effective grasping Strength of 12. This is useful for hanging from edges or locking a hold, but not for general combat damage. You can tear chunks out of an opponent in combat, doing damage equal to the Strength of the hand. It's your choice if you want one or two extra-strong hands, but note that they are less sensitive than normal hands.

Tool Socket

Replace the lower arm with a socket, into which you can plug various tool implements. A basic hand is standard, but other options include specialized devices for various mechanical and electronic tasks, as well as medical and cybernetic kits. You are assumed to possess specialized tool hands for use with all the skills you know. Any non-combat task performed using such a specialized hand takes half as long as normal, and your hand is lighter and smaller than a normal tool kit of the appropriate type. A heavy, power-tool type hand does Strength +4 damage in close combat.


A pair of cyberlegs, and the appropriate skeletal modifications that go with them. Two legs are installed as one cyber schtick and Strength 12. Good for kicking cars and doors to scrap. Several types of cyberlegs can be combined for additional features.


Basically the same a Powerlegs, except that the legs are designed for speed rather than power. Gives Move 12. Several types of cyberlegs can be combined for additional features.


Basically the same a Powerlegs, except that the legs are designed for long jumping rather than power. When you move, you can do so through the air in great leaps, instead of normal running. You can jump up to your normal Move as a part of a normal action, or twice that if you concentrate on leaping and have room for a running start. Several types of cyberlegs can be combined for additional features.

When calculating jump distances, add the vertical and horizontal parts of the jump together, and distance upwards counts double. So a leap two meters up and four meters forward counts as an eight-meter jump.


A full-body frame that takes the weight of your meat and bone frame. You can now use an enhanced Strength of 12 for full body maneuvers such as carrying, tackles, breaking holds, and ripping doors out of their frames. Your punching and/or kicking Strength is not improved unless you also fit cybernetic arms or legs, but the Cyberskel halves the wound points you take for using prosthetics.

Power Box

Reinforcing bones, tendons and ligaments with a synthetic endoskeleton as well as fitting a more powerful power plant allows you to fit even more powerful cyberlimbs. For each schtick pick you take in powerbox, the Strength and Move rating of all your prosthetics is increased by two. This can be fitted up to three times, for an attribute value of 18.