
Cyber / Schticks / Phero Control

Pheromone control allows you to manipulate nearby people by means of pehromones.

Pheromones are scent-like substances used by people and animals to communicate on a sunconscious level. In game terms, it allow you to bypass the voluntary respnses of people and interact with them on a primal, feral level. It allows you to use your Seduction with a difficulty of your target's Constitution.

Manipulation on such a primal level can be dangerous, ledning itself best to inducing needs that can be immediately gratified. If you try to indice subtle feelings or long-lasting relationships, the Phero Control may backfire. It is thus best used to get into someone's close presence, where normal Seduction can proceed.

This only works against creatures whose racial pheromone sets have been programmed into the unit, and anyone with a breather mask or somehow otherwise immune to inhaled gases can ignore it. DamageImmunity to Air, Water or Life allows you to ignore the effect.