
Cyber / Schticks / Netrider

This is a special net interface unit, that keeps track of and displays any net connections in the vicinity. It is as if you were present both in the net and in the physical world, which you are in a sense. You can see the interface any any electronic net-connected device in the vicinity. Your internal computer allows you to try and hack into these machines. You can remote-control vehicles and machines with auto pilots - which can include gun pods and armed vehicles. You are mostly aware of net-connected security devices, traps, checkpoints and other computer-controlled devices before they become a problem.

Any non-secure net connection in the vicinity is automatically displayed, while those with security are detected if you have the appropriate access, or if a Fix-It or Intrusion roll overcomes their security. This makes you very powerful if you have a high level of authority, such as corporate police units have on their own turf.

You can try to seize command of any remote controlled system or vehicle in your path. This can be a real asset in an area with remote-operated weapons, but auto-piloted cars or even simple vending machines and advertising signs can be useful for creating diversions.