
Cyber / Schticks / Mask

Your cyberware is masked against electronic detection. This means you can pass most security checkpoints and surveillance scanners without alerting them. Very powerful sensors, like those at secure military installations, can still detect your cyberware after a thorough search.

Cyberware that is sufficiently bulky to be visible cannot be electronically screened; the sensor detection range in this case is the same as the visual detection range. In other words, what the eyes can see, a sensor can also see.

These are the normal rules on bulk:

Cyberware that can be taken several times become slightly more bulky for each pick you take. As you load up on metal, you become more inhuman, and at very high levels deployed cyberware will change your basic form. Eight picks is the usual maximum for cyberware.

Picks Signature when turned on Signature when turned off
1 Slick Slick
2 Visible to sensors Slick
3-4 Visible at close range Visible to sensors
5-6 Visible at range Visible at close range
7-8 Visible at range Visible at range

Skin Graft helps you to conceal your cyberware visually, while Mask helps you disguise its sensor signature.