
Cyber / Schticks / Cyber Senses

Cybersensory enhancement packages give you new sensory abilities. In many cases, you can now do things automatically that would normally require Perception rolls, while the things you can now notice with a Perception roll are imperceptible to a normal human.

Multiple Cyber Senses schticks are separate enhancements, and do not make the cyber easier to detect.


Allows hearing of very low-volume sounds and sounds outside the normal range of hearing. Stereoscopic hearing allows you to pinpoint the direction of any sound. Directional pickups and frequency filters allow you to listen in on conversations far away. Can block out painfully intense sounds.


You can see in low light and total darkness if there are any light at all and to see heat sources. The eyes also contain small and weak spotlights invisible to normal vision, but which work as flashlights to your enhanced sight. You also have built-in binoculars and a microscope. Flare compensation and image enhancement make you almost impossible to blind or distract.


An olfactory-gustatory system, usually mounted on a small probe, in a finger, or in a foot. Conservatives favor a joint tongue-nose operation similar to natural organs. The Sniffer can analyze and identify most substances and give an estimate of the virulence of substances it cannot identify. You can take a sample of anything simply by dipping the probe into it, and it will automatically give a warning when it detects harmful substances. It can also track like a dog, and this is where foot-mounted units come in handy.


Enhanced tactile sensory pods, usually mounted in the hands, but the tongue, feet and even artificial probes are all common. This patch is extremely efficient in detecting vibrations, textures and also has some ability to sense magnetic fields and acoustic oddities. Extremely good for detecting bugs, secret doors, alarms, approaching ground vehicles and many other hidden dangers, it also makes many mundane chores and pleasures into entirely new experiences.