
Cyber / Schticks / Cortex Link

The human nervous system is slow, and this is particularly important in combat. Cybertechnology can overcome this problem by bypassing the conscious decision-making process. When under a Cortex Link, you become very direct, focusing totally on attack and defense.

For each time you Pick Cortex Link, add +1 to your Speed for initiative tests.

While on the Cortex Link, many of your higher functions are bypassed or automated. You will react instinctively, and often violently. Any use of the Attributes Intelligence, Charisma, Fu or Magic points or Skills based on these attributes are distracted in this hyped state. Using them while on the Cortex Link suffers a penalty equal to the initiative bonus provided by the link.

The link can be shut off to avoid this penalty, but that might require you to turn it on (a 1-shot action) if a combat suddenly erupts.

Cyberware that can be taken several times become slightly more bulky for each pick you take. As you load up on metal, you become more inhuman, and at very high levels deployed cyberware will change your basic form. Eight picks is the usual maximum for cyberware.

Picks Signature when turned on Signature when turned off
1 Slick Slick
2 Visible to sensors Slick
3-4 Visible at close range Visible to sensors
5-6 Visible at range Visible at close range
7-8 Visible at range Visible at range

Skin Graft helps you to conceal your cyberware visually, while Mask helps you disguise its sensor signature.