
Cyber / Schticks / Combat Crystal

A computer helps you keep track of the relative position of friends and foes in combat. As long as you occasionally let your vision sweep across the area, or get information from external sensors or other characters equipped with Combat Crystal, you have an innate spatial awareness of the location of everything and everyone in the vicinity, even when out of your line of sight. If maps are available, you also know your position on the map.

Two or more friendly characters with Combat Crystal need never be afraid of hitting one another, and all can attack a target anyone of them can see, as long as any physical barriers can be penetrated. If anyone connected to your combat crystal is aware of something that is about to surprise you, you are not surprised.

With combat crystal, you can perform continuous actions with no shot cost penalty. You can maintain an Aim bonus even if you or your target moves or takes other actions in between aiming and shooting. It also allows you to maintain an aiming bonus continuously over a sequence; as long as you have aimed at a target but failed to hit him, you get the aiming bonus on each attack.

The risk with Combat Crystal is that an opponent that can read your transmissions and feed them to his own Combat Crystal can easily predict your movement and actions. He is automatically aware of all actions you take, gets the Active Dodge bonus (normally +3) without spending a shot to dodge and is immune to your attmpts at aiming and ActiveDefense.