
Cyber / Rules / Limitations

Something happens when you start adding metal to people. They start to change. And it isn't pretty.

Few people can afford the monetary costs associated with extensive cyber modifications. Instead, it is governments, corporations and other organizations that install cyberware into recognized operatives. But trust only goes so far, and many organizations install more than you bargained for in order to maintain control. And even most such organizations skimp on the costs of physical and psychological therapy required to cope with your new powers.

One form of Limitations is called cyberpsychosis. This is an alienation caused by the impact of artificial enhancements on the human psyche. A cyberpsycho gradually loses his humanity. He finds it difficult or pointless to interact with people. Eating and sleeping become less important. Some cyberpsychos become crazed berserks while other display less obvious disorders such as compulsive lying, paranoia, sadism, multiple personalities or violent mood swings. It is possible but expensive to treat or prevent cyberpsychosis with therapy.

Some Limitations are deliberately installed. Such detrimental cyberware is collectively known as Badware. The GM may give you a piece of Badware or two as a part of the character generation process, or you may ask to have some nasty surprises installed, in which case the GM might be nice and give you extra “free” Schticks.