
Cyber / Rules / Getting Cybered

Installation of new cyberware requires surgery, governed by Medicine. The gamemaster can make a montage of this. Let the player describe the operation where his character gets his new cyberlegs, physical rehabilitation from his first wobbly steps to a flashy sequence where he kicks holes in concrete walls and runs faster than a speeding dachshund and the mental anguish over his lost humanity. You get the picture.

Cyberware is bought as cyber schticks. Therapy is included. After all, we don't want the players to go on a berserk killing spree, do we? Some player will still want to role-play various personality disorders, and that is what Limitations are for.


Prosthetics give no bonuses but replace functions that were lost due to injury. Upgrading them can be an excellent excuse for getting more new cyber.


A cybered character has as many interface jacks as desired. With these, he can use devices that require a cybernetic connection to work properly. He can also use simsense and do netruns without having to resort to clumsy tortoises.

The Perfect Enhancement

Refined cyberware modifications can exist, that have none of the drawbacks mentioned in these rules. If such exist, they are not covered by these rules. They go along with genetic programs and other glitchy hi-tech. Their effect is to provide a motivation for those absurdly high attributes you already have.


Your cyber can come in a wide range of designer colors, as well as neutral flesh tones of various shades. Some people use cyber as a fashion statement.


If you have cyber, you can get chrome. This is cool doodads that can be installed in your cyber. You can have glowing eyes or a cigarette lighter in the thumb of a cyberarm. More useful chrome includes hidden compartments in a cyberlimb or built-in lock picks in a cyberhand. Cosmetics is perhaps the most extensive area of cybernetic development. A cybered character can basically appear however he wants. Want to look like a bunny, with pink fur and four-foot, floppy ears? That's just $5,000, bunny-chummer. Overdoing this makes you a ChromeHead

Getting it All Out

Shout, shout, get it all out, these are the things we can do without... -- Depeche Mode

It is possible to remove, replace or modify cyberware in your body, though this will force you to undergo renewed rehabilitation and rest. Cyber schticks can thus be exchanged, upgraded and altered over time. This usually does not require any role-play, though the GM may make a montage of it. The major exception is Badware.