
Cyber / Limitations / Lemon Queen

Your cyber is full of glitches and unnecessary, distracting features. It rarely fails outright, but it has plenty of annoyances to make your life difficult. You lighter may flame to high or to low, your cyber ears may start playing Mozart at inappropriate times and your prosthetics twitch and moves out of synch.

This may not put you in direct danger, but it makes your life a living hell. Usually it is just a sort of comic annoyance, but occasionally it truly acts up. At the start of each scene, you should roll 1d6. On a result of 1, your cyberware is seriously acting up. This may be sort of comical for others, but it will tend to make you the butt of jokes and prevents you from doing any task requiring concentration or social interaction.

Shave foam squirting out of your cyberhand may be an inconvenience, but it won't stop you from defending yourself, so this has no effect on combat beyond the comical.