
Cyber / Limitations / Data Weakness

Cyber is all about information, and information wants to be free. Too bad information can also screw you over!

Advanced cyber systems are very much dependent on data integrity to work well. In most cases, this data is quite secure. It takes some really advanced Intrusion to break down the security and retrieve the data, so it will only happen as a special plot hook.

You are unfortunate enough to have their security data floating around. It is not generally available, but people who know how to look can find it with some effort. When you are facing information-conscious people who know who they are facing, there is a significant risk that they will have downloaded your data.

This is major bad. Cyber like the BehaviorChip, BrainTape, BuddyChip, CombatCrystal, CortexBomb, Electronic Warfare Pack, Enhanced Attributes, Homers, Override, Shroud, and StressAnalyzer all risk being interfered with if the data they are based on is compromised. So can other things if your GM is creative.