
Cyber / Limitations / Cyborg

You lack an organic body. Instead, you are an artifical construct made of plastics and metal. Thanks to SkinGraft, you can still look like a normal person, but underneath it is all artifical. Sensors can detect you quite easily.

You cannot have children. You cannot breathe, drink, eat or execrete unless you have Metabolism. You require periodic load-up of your batteries, just like normal people need to eat. As a freebie, you are immune to Poison.

You cannot heal naturally or by Medicine, but FixIt can repair you in a similar way. You are not affected by supernatural healing that targets living creatures, like Healing, but rather by powers affecting machines, like Technomancy.

Depending on how you ended up as a Cyborg, you may lack a soul and thus be a Robot. You are almost guaranteed to have Enhanced Attributes as well.