
Cyber / Limitations / Branded

You visibly carry the brands of your cyberware at all times.

This may be because you have been sponsored and have to, because it is the only way to keep your cyberpsychosis in check, or just a manic fashion statement. Whatever it is, it is obvious and constant - you only hide it when in disguise. On the upside, it will give you credit among cyber-fans.

Anyone with some know-how or access to a cybernetics catalogue can identify your specific Schticks from the brands you carry. Not many people advertise their Limitations this way, and doing that is strictly optional - though Metal Ware Inc. Built this Beautiful Bod may be a stylish chest-engraving for a Cyborg.

The brands can be worn on clothes, holographically displayed, be engraved in your cyberware, or actually branded/tatooed into what passes for your skin.