
Creatures / Schticks / Transport

You have the power to transport yourself and others vast distances almost instantaneously. The difficulty of the Powers check depends on how well the you know your destination, how far away it is, and the needs of the story.

Condition Example Difficulty
Regional distance 100 km 5
Anywhere on Earth 10,000 km 10
Local solar system 10 billion km 15
Entire galaxy 100 000 light years 20
Never visited Described or scried +5
Limited knowledge only heard of +10

You cannot enter a secure area, you must actually pass by any guards or wards present. You will thus usually end up outside palaces, city gates and other checkpoints.

The mode of travel is usually very fast flight, though it can vary depending on the type of creature. The journey is always a harrowing experience for those unused to it. It might involve teleportation, but that is rare.